Booking a resource (Desk or Meeting space at Anchor Court)
Booking a resource (Desk or Meeting space at Anchor Court)
In this guide we aim to show you how the new process for booking a resource within Estyn, namely Desks and meeting rooms is to be done in the future.
Booking a desk
- From any page in SharePoint, simply hover over the menu option and select “Book a resource.”
- This will open up the resource booking page with a diagram of the available resources and their locations at Anchor Court.
- From here, Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will notice the “Book of resource” application will open within the window.
- From here you will be able to book a desk by selecting Book a desk.
- Choose a date that you intend to book the desk for. Please remembering to press the save button after each selection.
- Choose the time you wish to book the desk for and the time you intend to end the booking. Remembering to press save.
- The screen will refresh to show the available desks for this time slot. Simply select the desk by clicking on the green location icon above it the desk and your booking will be made.
Viewing your calendar
- On the main screen you can also see your meetings that I have in your calendar by selecting “Your meetings”
- Use the drop down option and select the date. Remember to press save.
- You can return to the main menu by using the button in the top right.
Booking a meeting room
- You can book a room by pressing “Book a room.”
- Choose the date I wish to book the room for remembering to press save
- Change the time I wish to book the room for, including an end time for the meeting. Again remembering to press save.
- This will bring up a screen similar to creating a meeting in outlook. Add your required guests to the meeting. Please remember to press the plus icon after each person invited.
- You may also include external people in the meeting by entering the full email of the external contact.
- Give the meeting a title and include any message you wish to send in the meeting invite.
- You can now choose the room that you wish to book by selecting the book button that appears under each room. You will also notice the capacity of those rooms.
- Once you've pressed the book button, the booking will be made.
Seeing the calendar entries for each room
- To see the Room calendar. Select the “Room Calendar” button.
- Select a bookable resource (meeting room) using the drop down box.
- You can now see the events that are happening in that room on that day. This means that you'll be able to check this before making a booking of that resource.
Changing the Language of the booking application
To change the language of the application, simply select the downward arrow in the top right hand corner and choosing the desired language you wish to see.