TIF offline guide
The new VIR system is best used online. If you need (because of internet connection problems) or choose to work offline there are some important rules to follow so that you avoid problems uploading your TIF:
Do not copy and paste content from one editable field to another field within the TIF
Try to avoid copying and pasting formatted content from other documents into your offline TIF
If you need to copy content from elsewhere into your offline TIF then please ensure you paste the content without formatting.
To do this in Word, first copy your content. Then, you can:
- Click inside the field you wish to paste content into.
- Right-click
- Under paste options on the menu which appears, select the 'Keep text only (T)' option (see following image of the icon to click).
If you find you cannot upload your offline TIF please check and remove any formatting before re-saving and then trying again to upload the TIF. Alternatively, you can copy and paste content from your offline TIF directly to your online TIF, and the save the online version.
We recognise that the current offline functionality is not ideal and will continue to work with Method4 to explore options to improve it.